Thursday, August 6, 2015

A day at stonehenge

Yesterday I went to Stonehenge. It was very busy and we had to walk a very long way to get to the stones.

Stonehenge was built in 2,500 bc in the neolithic years in Wiltshire, England. It was originally used to celebrate the winter solstice.

Sarsen are the stones standing upright on the outside of the circle and they are from the Marlborough downs. Lintels are the stones that lie across the top of the sarsens. Blue stones are the stones in the middle of stonehenge witch people believed would heal sickness they are from the Preseli hills. You can tell if something is a blue stone by chipping a bit of and dipping it into water because it will turn blue with white freckles. Trilithons are the stones in the middle with lintels on top.

Sometimes you would be buried in a barrow which is a place to be buried you would be buried with everything you own (e.g. your gold, jewels, weapons and sometimes your pets). There are barrows around Stonehenge one of them is called bush barrow which would be a very special place to be buried.

There are other stone sculptures around the place like Lanyon quit, St. Lythans burial chamber, Rudston Monolith. People still have rituals at Stonehenge.

I am annoyed they have closed it of to the public it would be better if it was free for everybody but it is looked after better closed off though they might have gone too far by putting a rope around it so you can't touch the stones or run around them.

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